About us – Who are we?
We are the Youth Organization of Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz (BUND)
The BUNDjugend is the independent youth organization of the BUND. We carry out nationwide educational work for young people in the area of sustainable development. In addition to ecological issues, the organization addresses issues such as globalization and north-south equity. BUNDjugend offers seminars, excursions (field trips) and project workshops. BUNDjugend utilizes campaigns, activities and protests so that our concerns are brought to the public so we can fight for an ecologically and socially sustainable society.
BUNDjugend Lower Saxony
In Lower Saxony, the BUNDjugend operates on a state level but also in local groups. Every year a new state board is elected at the State Youth assembly. Young people from all over Lower Saxony come together for educational events and activities. In Göttingen, Nienburg, Hannover, Hildesheim, Wolfsburg and Wilhelmshaven exist active local groups, which meet on a regular basis and work together. Our employees are Kira, Romina and Corinna. Kira coordinates the activities of BUNDjugend Lower Saxony and supports the volunteers in their projects. Romina takes care of public relations and social media accounts. Corinna, together with volunteers, runs the project “Stadt, Land im Fluss” (English page).
Part of a Strong Network
We are well-connected through our BUNDjugend federal association, BUND Lower Saxony and the international umbrella organization “Friends of the Earth“ (English page) throughout Germany and internationally. In Lower Saxony, BUNDjugend is part of the youth environmental network JANUN e.V. (English page) and often participates in their activities and events, such as the annual JANUN festival.
Do you want to be active?
You can find impressions and instructions for our activities in our “How To’s”. You can read more about the topics we are working on and browse through the reports of past activities. If you want to get a taste of BUNDjugend, contact info@niedersachsen.bundjugend.de