
„back to the ROOTS“ – summer camp 2022

BUNDjugend Niedersachsen – Summer Camp 2022

Your highlight 2022? We’ll tell you:

  • a week with friendly and activistic young people
  • one week of forest, water, meadows and nature experiences
  • a week with exciting input, skill sharing and cool workshops
  • one week to relax and unwind
  • one week of fun, nonsense and socializing

This is how we envision our summer camp from August 07 to 12, 2022 and hopefully you are part of it!

We are currently still in the planning stages and will share more info on this page over the next few months.


Is the summer camp barrier-free?

The camp facility is basically advertised as „wheelchair accessible“. However, we have not been on site yet either. If you are impaired in any way and want to find out if you can participate in the summer camp, please contact Corinna: corinna@niedersachsen.bundjugend.de.

We want to enable every person to participate in our events and try to plan, think and act in a non-discriminatory and inclusive way. Therefore, please get in touch if we should be aware of something particular.


The participation in the leisure time is basically free of charge. However, we are also happy about a soli contribution of about 40-60€.


Currently there is a group that plans a bicycle journey. This group would like to travel to Lüneburg by public transport and bike already on Saturday, August 6, and cycle from there towards Hitzacker. You are invited to join the group (check registration form below).


More information:

If you are basically interested in attending the camp and getting more updates, you can mail to corinna@niedersachsen.bundjugend.de

You can sign up here

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